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The Legend Of Heroes Trails Into Reverie

The Legend of Heroes Trails into Reverie: A Climax for the Ages

The Journey Concludes

After a decade of captivating stories, the Trails series reaches its apex.

Three Legends Collide

A Fateful Encounter

The intertwining destinies of three heroes - Lloyd, Rean, and C - culminate in this grand finale.

Heroes of the Past and Present

Experience a star-studded cast of new allies and familiar faces as they face their greatest challenge yet.

Refined Tactical Battles

United Front

Unleash powerful combination attacks that decimate foes.

Expanded Combat System

Dive into a refined tactical combat system that offers endless possibilities.

A Legacy of Epic Storytelling

A Decade's Worth of Lore

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Trails series in the West with this epic tale.

A Poignant Conclusion

Witness the thrilling climax that brings closure to a decade-long saga.

Welcome to Zemuria

A Vast and Immersive World

Explore the sprawling continent of Zemuria, where player choices shape the narrative.

A Journey of Discovery

Embark on a journey filled with unforgettable characters, gripping storylines, and exhilarating battles.
